In order to consolidate the consular protection capabilities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in November 1989 it signed a collaboration agreement with the University of Houston Law Center, thanks to which a member of the Mexican Foreign Service is receiving a scholarship for a master's degree. in American law at that institution. To celebrate more than twenty-five years of operation of this fruitful binational academic cooperation scheme, this issue of the Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior is nourished with contributions from some of the beneficiaries of this program. In his works, legal issues of great significance for the Mexico-United States relationship are analyzed. They include texts on the right of consular access, binational treaties and agreements, private international law, the death penalty, human rights and the fight against corruption. The RMPE also contains reflections on the origin, validity and future of the exchange program, by Ambassador Arturo Dager-Gómez; the legal consultant of the Foreign Ministry, Alejandro Alday-González, and the minister Eduardo Peña-Haller. Likewise, the interviews with the ambassadors Alberto Székely and Miguel Ángel González-Félix offer an intimate panorama of the legal-consular activity that Mexico deploys in favor of our citizens and our interests in the United States.

Published: 2017-04-30