Since the beginning of the current administration, Mexico has spoken out and actively fought for development cooperation to replace the East/West confrontation, which disappeared at the end of the Cold War. Today, more than ever, new schemes of cooperation and understanding between rich and poor countries are essential, to pave the way towards a new fair and equitable international order as an initial step towards a stage of sustained world growth. The foreign policy defined by President Salinas de Gortari has strengthened the country's presence in the world; Due to this, they have effectively faced the challenges and made the most of the opportunities of the changing international scenario. The recent admission of the country to the OECD and the concomitant struggle that it maintains in various international forums and organizations in search of a new agenda for development that benefits humanity as a whole, are proof of the course of this policy. This issue of the Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior illustrates the challenges that Mexicans will continue to face on the long road to a new international order.

Published: 1994-06-30


Matías Romero Institute for Diplomatic Studies
