How long can a time of transition last? Far from having reached acceptable levels of stability, relations between States and other subjects of international dynamics are defined by the sign of the unstable and even the unpredictable. For this reason, if we try to define what the characteristics of the new international order in gestation will be, only general statements can be made about the formation of large regional economic blocs, the transition from a bipolar structure to one that is multipolar in economic terms and unipolar in terms of economics. military, the preponderance of transnational corporations; the emergence of formulas of universal conduct such as electoral democracy, the market economy and the reform of the State; the polarization between wealth and poverty, and the maintenance of neoprotectionism. Within these general lines, there are a large number of changes of different proportions, advances and setbacks, which surprise us because of the unexpected. For this reason, the analysis parameters and the theoretical paradigms that support the study of international relations are almost permanently reviewed, since yesterday's postulates may no longer correspond to today's reality.

Published: 1993-03-30


Matías Romero Institute for Diplomatic Studies
