Among the fascinating spectrum of new international developments, one stands out that, due to its magnitude, will surely have great repercussions on the daily lives of millions of human beings: the formation of commercial blocs and the processes of economic integration. The beginning of the negotiations around the free trade agreement with Canada and the United States; the agreements with Venezuela, Colombia, Chile and the rapprochement with South America, the liberalization of trade with Central America and the opening of the country to Europe and the Pacific are processes that require great analytical, conceptual and debate efforts regarding their scope and limits, as well as the consequences of different signs that these commercial initiatives will have on Mexican society, politics and economy. The Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior wishes to contribute to this effort with the topics addressed in this edition, all of them linked to the country's international political and economic relations; Emphasis is placed on reviewing four issues on the Mexico-United States bilateral agenda: the free trade agreement, the fight against drug trafficking, the protection of migrant workers, and the evolution of Mexican-American relations in the 1980s.

Published: 1991-03-29

Joint Statement of the Presidents of Mexico and Chile

Instituto Matías Romero de Estudios Diplomáticos


Final Document of the IV Meeting of Presidents of the Permanent Mechanism for Consultation and Political Coordination

IV Meeting of Presidents of the Permanent Mechanism for Consultation and Political Coordination
