Issue 113 of the Revista Mexicana de Política Exterior (RMPE) is dedicated to a topic of great interest to foreign ministries and their academies the world over: the use of digital tools to perform diplomatic duties and how these affect the nature of the profession. The articles pose basic, but transcendental questions: How is diplomacy to be practiced in the era of social media? How can digital media be used to positively influence audiences that are physically distant, yet interconnected by Internet? Is it possible to identify and measure the impact of digital public diplomacy? To what extent does all this modify the practice of diplomacy?

Published: 2018-08-31


Natalia Saltalamacchia-Ziccardi



Natalia Saltalamacchia-Ziccardi


The Digitalization of Public Diplomacy: Towards a New Conceptual Framework

Daniel Aguirre-Azócar, Ilan Manor, Alejandro Ramos-Cardoso
